节点类型 |
节点配置 |
数量 |
管理节点 |
128G DDR4内存+120G SSD+千兆网络x2 |
3 |
网络节点 |
128G DDR4内存+120G SSD+千兆网络x3 |
1 |
块存储节点 |
128G DDR4内存+120G SSD+千兆网络x2 |
1 |
对象存储节点 |
128G DDR4内存+120G SSD+4T HDDx3+千兆网络x2 |
1 |
计算节点 |
128G DDR4内存+120G SSD+千兆网络x2 |
33 |
监控节点 |
128G DDR4内存+120G SSD+千兆网络x2 |
1 |
Ceph Mon节点 |
128G DDR4内存+120G SSD+万兆网络x2 |
3 |
Ceph OSD节点 |
128G DDR4内存+250G SSD+500G SSDx3+2T HDDx12+万兆网络x4 |
3 |
Rally Server |
Dell E3-1220v3服务器 |
1 |
软件 |
版本 |
备注 |
Host OS |
CentOS7.6 |
安装ZX Patch v3.0.9.4 |
Python |
v2.7.5 |
Docker |
v19.03.8 |
OpenStack |
Sterin |
基于容器部署 |
Mariadb |
v10.3.10 |
多主Golare Cluster |
SQLAlchemy |
v0.12.0 |
python module |
RabbitMQ |
v3.8.14 |
搭配Erlang v22.3.4.21 |
Haproxy |
v1.5.18 |
KeepAlived |
v1.3.5 |
Ceph |
v14.2.19 |
Rally |
v2.0 |
并发测试工具 |
CosBench |
v0.4.2 |
对象存储性能测试工具 |
TestPerf |
v2.16.0 |
消息队列性能测试工具 |
- 部署网络:用于PXE boot及安装软件时访问本地软件源镜像;
- 管理网络:用于各节点之间通过API访问以及SSH访问;
- Tunnel网络:用于各计算节上虚拟机互通以及和网络节点的连接,主要承载业务的东西流量;
- 存储网络:用于访问统一存储后端;
图1 网络拓扑
- 测试工具
对于OpenStack组件我们使用Rally来进行批量测试,可以使用Rally中包含的测试用例也可以根据需要自定义测试用例。Rally的测试报告中会有详细的耗时统计。本测试批量请求的测试规模是200并发,被测计算节点十个,使用的Guest OS是Cirros。
- 分析方法
- 优化手段
使用OpenStack默认配置做并发测试会发现,根据具体的被测功能不同,200并发的成功率差别很大,通常被测功能涉及组件越多且并发数量越大成功率越低。提高成功率的方法主要靠提升硬件性能和调整各组件的配置参数。在兆芯平台上,硬件性能的提升除了提高关键硬件(内存和网卡)的性能外更重要的有两点:一是服务器系统要打上兆芯BSP Patch;二是系统部署方案开发阶段就要根据兆芯平台的NUMA 拓扑结构来考虑合理的亲和设置,尽量避免产生跨NUMA访问,若无法避免跨NUMA访问,则尽量使用相邻的node,避免跨Socket访问。而在组件配置上则需要根据对请求的处理路径的跟踪,找到耗时较长的功能。由于随并发量增加经常会导致组件处理的Retry和Timeout,这些会进一步导致产生请求失败,在无法提升组件处理效率时应适当增加Retry次数或Timeout时间来避免请求直接失败。
7、更新服务器OS 内核功能Patch,提供高内核处理能力;
1. 数据库
1.1 Mariadb
测试用系统中以三个Mariadb节点构建了一个多主模式的Golare Cluster,前端通过haproxy实现主备高可用。数据库的调优方法可以参考《MySQL优化手册》,补充一个在OpenStack云系统中需要特别注意的参数。
- max_allowed_packet
该参数用于设置MariaDB 服务器端允许接收的最大数据包大小。有时候大的插入和更新操作会因max_allowed_packet 参数设置过小导致失败。
- 推荐配置:
默认值1024,单位Kbyte。在Open Stack的集群中,有超出默认值大小的包,需要适当增加大小。
[mysqld] max_allowed_packet = 64M |
1.2 oslo_db
- slave_connection
- 连接池
min_pool_size :连接池中已连接的SQL连接数不得小于该值,默认值是1。
max_pool_size :连接池中已连接的最大SQL连接数,默认值是5,设置0时无限制。
max_overflow :最大允许超出最大连接数的数量,默认值是50。
pool_timeout :从连接池里获取连接时如果无空闲的连接,且连接数已经到达了max_pool_size+max_overflow,那么要获取连接的进程会等待pool_timeout秒,默认值是30s,如果超过这个时间还没有得到连接将会抛出异常。如果出现该异常,可以考虑增加连接池的连接数。
2. 消息队列
2.1 Rabbitmq
测试用系统中以三节点构建了一个RabbitMQ Mirror Queue Cluster,所有节点均为disk节点。
- collect_statistics_interval
默认情况下,Rabbitmq Server默认以5s的间隔统计系统信息,周期内publish、 delivery message等速率信息会以此为周期统计。
- 推荐配置
增加该值能够减少Rabbitmq Server 收集大量的状态信息而导致CPU利用率增加,参数单位为ms。
collect_statistics_interval = 30000 |
- cpu_share
Docker 允许用户为每个容器设置一个数字,代表容器的 CPU share,默认情况下每个容器的 share 是 1024。要注意,这个 share 是相对的,本身并不能代表任何确定的意义。当主机上有多个容器运行时,每个容器占用的 CPU 时间比例为它的 share 在总额中的比例。只有在CPU资源紧张时,设定的资源比例才可以显现出来,如果CPU资源空闲,cpu_share值低的docker也能获取到比例外的CPU资源。
- 推荐配置
控制节点上部署openstack 各组件的api server以及rabbitmq server,当对rabbitmq做并发测试时,可以适当提高节点上rabbitmq docker的CPU share让其获得更多的CPU资源。如果条件满足的情况下,Rabbitmq Cluster 应该单独部署在服务器集群上,不和其他服务抢占CPU资源。单独部署的Rabbitmq Cluster有更高的并发能力。
docker update --cpu-shares 10240 rabbitmq-server
- ha-mode
Rabbitmq Cluster镜像队列可以配置镜像队列在多节点备份,每个队列包含一个master节点和多个slave节点。消费者消费的操作现在master节点上完成,之后再slave上进行相同的操作。生产者发布的消息会同步到所有的节点。其他的操作通过master中转,master将操作作用于slave。镜像队列的配置策略:
ha-mode |
ha-params |
说明 |
all |
集群中每个节点都有镜像队列 |
exactly |
count |
指定集群中镜像队列的个数 |
nodes |
node names |
在指定的节点列表中配置镜像队列 |
rabbimqctl set_policy –p vhost
- 推荐配置
rabbitmqctl set_policy -p / ha-exactly '^' '{'ha-mode':'exactly', 'ha-params':2}'
- CPU绑定
RabbitMQ 运行在erlang 虚拟机中。本文环境之中使用的erlang版本支持SMP,采用多调度器多队列的机制,即启动erlang虚拟机时,默认会根据系统逻辑CPU核数启动相同数量的调度器(可通过启动参数+S限制),每个调度器都会从各自的运行队列中获取运行进程。但由于OS的线程调度机制,erlang调度器线程会在各核之间迁移,这会导致Cache Miss增加,影响性能。可以通过参数+sbt 来设置调度器和逻辑核绑定。Erlang支持多种绑定策略,详见Erlang说明文档。
- 推荐配置
默认配置为db,按numa node轮流绑定,尽量使用到所有node。但由于调度器多任务队列之间存在balance机制,任务会在队列间迁移,因此,为了更好的利用cache,在本文测试环境下上推荐将+stb 配置为nnts,即调度器线程按numa node顺序进行绑定。
重启RabbitMQ 服务生效。
- 心跳保持
Hearbeat用来检测通信的对端是否保活。基本原理是检测对应的socket链接上数据的收发是否正常,如果有一段时间没有收发数据,则向对端发送一个心跳检测包,如果一段时间内没有回应则认为心跳超时对端可能异常crash。在负载重时组件可能无法及时处理heartbeat消息而导致Rabbitmq Server没有在超时时间内收到心跳检测应答。Rabbitmq Server因组件超时未应答而关闭连接导致错误。适当增加组件和Rabbitmq Server的心跳超时时间以避免该错误。参考Cinder章节中相关介绍。
heartbeat = 180 |
2.2 oslo_messaging
rpc_conn_pool_size :RPC连接池的大小,默认值是30。
executor_thread_pool_size :执行RPC处理的线程或协程数量,默认值是64。
rpc_response_timeout :RPC调用响应超时时间,默认值是60s。
3. Nova
3.1 nova-api
- Workers
nova-api是一个WSGI Server,亦可叫api server,其负责接收外部发来的REST请求。API Server启动时会根据配置文件建立一定数量的worker线程来接收请求,如果线程数量不足以满足并发量,就会出现排队,导致请求处理时间增加。因此,管理员可以根据实际的业务量来设置worker数量。对于独占一个节点的api server,workers通常可以设置到等同于CPU核数,但在多个api server同部署于一个节点时(如在控制节点上),物理CPU资源有限,就需要根据服务器处理能力和各api server的负载情况调整各自的workers数量。
对于容器方式部署的api server,还可以考虑配置容器使用的CPU和内存资源的numa亲和,尽量做到各容器的NUMA亲和分开,从而减少CPU资源抢占以及更好的利用cache资源。该方法对其他以容器方式部署的服务也同样适用。
其他组件,如glance等都有自己的api server,与nova-api类似,可以通过增加workers数量来改善请求处理性能。
- Patch:热迁移性能
Nova Compute在执行live-migrate()时,子线程执行_live_migration_operation()函数和主线程执行_live_migration_monitor()函数都会访问Instance Fields。如果此前未曾访问过Instance.fields,则可能同时调用nova/objects/instance.py:class Instance. obj_load_attr()函数,utils.temporary_mutation()函数的重入会导致执行后Context.read_deleted赋值为“yes”。后续在_update_usage_from_instances()时会统计不必要统计的已经删除的instances,增加耗时。 Stein版本的OpenStack存在上述漏洞,后续的版本由于其他操作提前获取过Intance.fields,从而nova-compute不需要在live-migrate时调用obj_load_attr()。Bug提交信息见链接:https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bug/1941819。可以通过补丁https://github.com/openstack/nova/commit/84db8b3f3d202a234221ed265ec00a7cf32999c9 在Nova API中提前获取Instance.fileds以避免该Bug。
3.2 Nova-scheduler & nova-conductor
3.3 nova-computer
- vcpu_pin_set
限定Guest可以使用compute node上的pCPUs的范围,给Host适当留下一些CPU以保证正常运作。解决因虚拟机高负载情况下争抢CPU资源导致Host性能不足的问题。
- 推荐配置
在每个numa node上都预留一个物理CPU核供Host使用。以两numa nodes 平台为例,可选择预留cpu0和cpu15供Host使用,配置方法如下:
vcpu_pin_set = 1-14 |
- reserved_host_memory_mb
- 推荐配置
reserved_host_memory_mb=4096 #单位MB |
- cpu_allocation_ratio
- 推荐配置
根据ZHAOXIN CPU的性能,桌面云系统中,单个pCPU可以虚拟2个vCPU。
[DEFAULT] cpu_allocation_ratio = 2 |
- block_device_allocate_retries
创建有block device的虚拟机时,需要从blank、image或者snaphot创建volume。在volume被attach到虚拟机之前,其状态必须是“available”。block_device_allocate_retries指定nova检查volume状态是否“available”的次数。相关参数有block_device_allocate_retries_interval,指定检查状态的查询间隔,默认值3,单位s。
- 推荐配置
[DEFAULT] block_device_allocate_retries = 150 |
- vif_plugging_timeout
nova-compute等待Neutron VIF plugging event message arrival的超时时间。
- 推荐配置
[DEFAULT] vif_plugging_timeout = 500 |
- Patch:热迁移性能
该补丁完成了两个功能:去掉迁移过程中不必要的get_volume_connect() 函数调用,以及减少不要的Neutron访问。该补丁能够让热迁移更高效,热迁移的无服务时间更短。补丁地址:
4. Cinder
4.1 cinder-api
- Workers
WSGIDaemonProcess cinder-api processes=12 threads=3 user=cinder group=cinder display-name=%{GROUP} python-path=/var/lib/kolla/venv/lib/python2.7/site-packages ……
- rpc_response_timeout
- 推荐配置
默认值 60,单位s。在高并发的attach_volume时,cinder-volume响应cinder-api的时间较长。如果报告rpc timeout的错误,可以适当调大该值。
[DEFAULT] rpc_response_timeout = 600 |
4.2 cinder-volume
- 心跳保持
- 推荐配置
cinder-volume heartbeat_timeout_threshold默认值为60,单位为s,在负载重时可能无法在及时处理heartbeat消息而导致Rabbitmq Server没有在超时时间内收到心跳检测应答。Rabbitmq Server因Cinder-volume超时未应答而关闭连接,进而导致一系列错误。适当增加Cinder-volume和Rabbitmq Server的心跳超时时间以避免该错误,不建议禁用心跳检测机制(heartbeat=0)。
[oslo_messaging_rabbit] heartbeat_timeout_threshold = 180 |
OpenStack是一个分布式系统,由运行在不同主机上的各个服务组成来共同完成各项工作。每个服务都会定时向数据库中更新自己的update time,服务间可通过查询对方的update time是否超过设置的service_down_time来判断服务是否在线。这也可以看作是一种心跳机制。
在高负载时,数据库访问可能延迟增加,同时运行上报的周期任务会因CPU资源被占用导致延迟上报,这些都有可能引发误报service down。
- 推荐配置
service_down_time = 120 |
- rbd_exclusive_cinder_pool
OpenStack Ocata引入了参数rbd_exclusive_cinder_pool,如果RBD pool是Cinder独占,则可以设置rbd_exclusive_cinder_pool=true。Cinder用查询数据库的方式代替轮询后端所有volumes的方式获取provisioned size,这会明显减少查询时间,同时减轻Ceph 集群和Cinder-volume 服务的负载。
- 推荐配置
[DEFAULT] Enable_backends =rbd-1 [rbd-1] rbd_exclusive_cinder_pool = true |
- image_volume_cache_enabled
从Liberty版本开始,Cinder能够使用image volume cahe,能够提高从image创建volume的性能。从image第一次创建volume的同时会创建属于快存储Internal Tenant的cached image-volume 。后续从该image创建volume时从cached image-volume 克隆,不需要将image 下载到本地再传入volume。
- 推荐配置
image_volume_cache_max_size_gb:指定cached image-volume的最大size,设置为0,即不对其限制。
image_volume_cache_max_count:指定cached image-volume的最大数量,设置为0,即不对其限制。
[DEFAULT] cinder_internal_tenant_project_id = c4076a45bcac411bacf20eb4fecb50e0 cinder_internal_tenant_user_id = 4fe8e33010fd4263be493c1c9681bec8 [backend_defaults] image_volume_cache_enabled=True image_volume_cache_max_size_gb = 0 image_volume_cache_max_count = 0 |
5. Neutron
5.1 Neutron Service
neutron-service是neutron组件的api server,其配置优化参考nova-api中的介绍,可调整参数有api_workers和metadata_workers。
- rpc_workers
5.2 Neutron DHCP Agent
- 改善Network Port管理效率
Neutron DHCP agent中用Pyroute2 的“ip route”命令替换oslo.rootwrap库中该linux命令。该补丁让Neutron DHCP agent创建和删除port时更加高效。补丁地址:
Neutron DHCP agent中用oslo.privsep库的“dhcp_release”命令替换oslo.rootwrap库该linux 命令。该补丁让Neutron DHCP agent创建和删除port时更加高效。补丁地址:
5.3 Neuton OpenvSwitch Agent
- 改善Network Port处理效率
Neutron L2 Agent如果配置的是openvswitch agent,neutron-openvswitch-agent启动后会运行一个RPC循环任务来处理端口添加、删除、修改。通过配置项polling_interval指定RPC循环执行的间隔。
- 推荐配置
[agent] polling_interval = 1 |
Neutron openvswitch agent中用oslo.privsep库替换oslo.rootwrap库的“iptables”和“ipset”命令。该补丁能让Neutron openvswitch agent处理network port时更加高效。补丁地址:
5.4 热迁移Down Time时间优化
openstack stein版本在热迁移的测试中,虚机迁移到目标主机后,网络不能及时ping通,存在比较明显的延时现象。原因是虚机迁移成功后会立刻发送RARP广播,而此时虚机网卡对应的port还没真正up。Bug信息:
补丁详情参见附录B1.1--B1.7, 涉及neutron和nova模块:
5.5 网络性能优化
网络为了获得稳定的高性能,在部署虚机时,网卡硬中断和对应虚机,最好限定在位于同一Cluster的CPU上,这样可以避免不必要的cache miss,进而提升网络的稳定性和性能。
5.6 VXLAN 性能优化
主流隧道网络普遍基于UDP协议实现,例如VXLAN,当UDP校验和字段为零时,会导致接收端在处理VXLAN报文时不能及时进行GRO(generic receive offload)处理,进而严重影响网络性能。该问题社区已经修正,具体信息可以参见下面链接:
打上该补丁后,万兆网卡情况下,同样的VXLAN iperf3测试,成绩可以提升2倍以上。
6. Keystone
- 并发进程数
- 推荐配置
默认值为1。当keystone压力较大时,1个WSGI进程无法处理较大的并发数,适当增加processes的值,大于CPU cores number的意义不大。
WSGIDaemonProcess keystone-public processes=12 threads=1 user=keystone group=keystone display-name=%{GROUP} python-path=/var/lib/kolla/venv/lib/python2.7/site-packages ……
WSGIDaemonProcess keystone-admin processes=12 threads=1 user=keystone group=keystone display-name=%{GROUP} python-path=/var/lib/kolla/venv/lib/python2.7/site-packages ……
7. Haproxy
- Timeout设置
1、timeout http-request:HTTP请求的最大超时时间
2、timeout queue:当server端请求数量达到了maxconn,新到的connections会被添加到指定的queue。当requests在queue上等待超过timeout queue时,request被认为不被服务而丢弃,返回503 error给client端。
3、timeout connect :connection连接上后端服务器的超时时间。
4、timeout client :client端发送数据或者应答时,客户端最大的非活跃时间
5、timeout server:server端最大的非活跃时间
- 推荐配置
defaults timeout http-request 100s timeout queue 4m timeout connect 100s timeout client 10m timeout server 10m。 |
- 最大连接数
Haproxy可以配置全局的maxconn定义Haproxy同时最大的连接数,也可以为后端服务配置maxconn定义该服务的最大连接数,可以为前端配置maxconn定义此端口的最大连接数。系统的ulimit -n的值一定要大于maxconn。
- 推荐配置
global maxconn 40000 |
- 处理线程数
设置haproxy的负责均衡并发进程数,OpenStack Stein的Haproxy 版本为1.5.18。该参数在haproxy 2.5 版本中已移除,由nbthread参数指定线程数量。
- 推荐配置
global nbproc 4 |
- 权重
- 推荐配置
以3 控制节点的小集群为例:测试过程中,controller03上整体cpu使用率较高达95%+,其他两个控制节点cpu使用率约在70%,各个控制节点keystone的 cpu使用率均较高。减少controller03上keystone server的权重,从而减少controller03的cpu压力。
listen keystone_external mode http http-request del-header X-Forwarded-Proto option httplog option forwardfor http-request set-header X-Forwarded-Proto https if { ssl_fc } bind haproxy-ip-addr:5000 maxconn 5000 server controller01 server-ip-addr:5000 check inter 2000 rise 2 fall 5 maxconn 3000 weight 10 server controller02 server-ip-addr:5000 check inter 2000 rise 2 fall 5 maxconn 3000 weight 10 server controller03 server-ip-addr:5000 check inter 2000 rise 2 fall 5 maxconn 3000 weight 9 |
diff -ruN nova-bak/api/openstack/compute/migrate_server.py nova/api/openstack/compute/migrate_server.py --- nova-bak/api/openstack/compute/migrate_server.py 2021-09-10 11:20:15.774990677 +0800 +++ nova/api/openstack/compute/migrate_server.py 2021-09-10 11:23:22.239098421 +0800 @@ -157,7 +157,9 @@ 'conductor during pre-live-migration checks ' ''%(ex)s'', {'ex': ex}) else: - raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=ex.format_message()) + raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=ex.format_message()) + except exception.OperationNotSupportedForSEV as e: + raise exc.HTTPConflict(explanation=e.format_message()) except exception.InstanceIsLocked as e: raise exc.HTTPConflict(explanation=e.format_message()) except exception.ComputeHostNotFound as e: diff -ruN nova-bak/api/openstack/compute/suspend_server.py nova/api/openstack/compute/suspend_server.py --- nova-bak/api/openstack/compute/suspend_server.py 2021-09-10 11:25:03.847439106 +0800 +++ nova/api/openstack/compute/suspend_server.py 2021-09-10 11:27:09.958950964 +0800 @@ -40,7 +40,8 @@ self.compute_api.suspend(context, server) except exception.InstanceUnknownCell as e: raise exc.HTTPNotFound(explanation=e.format_message()) - except exception.InstanceIsLocked as e: + except (exception.OperationNotSupportedForSEV, + exception.InstanceIsLocked) as e: raise exc.HTTPConflict(explanation=e.format_message()) except exception.InstanceInvalidState as state_error: common.raise_http_conflict_for_instance_invalid_state(state_error, diff -ruN nova-bak/compute/api.py nova/compute/api.py --- nova-bak/compute/api.py 2021-09-10 11:31:55.278077457 +0800 +++ nova/compute/api.py 2021-09-10 15:32:28.131175652 +0800 @@ -215,6 +215,23 @@ return fn(self, context, instance, *args, **kwargs) return _wrapped
+def reject_sev_instances(operation): + '''Decorator. Raise OperationNotSupportedForSEV if instance has SEV + enabled. + ''' + + def outer(f): + @six.wraps(f) + def inner(self, context, instance, *args, **kw): + if hardware.get_mem_encryption_constraint(instance.flavor, + instance.image_meta): + raise exception.OperationNotSupportedForSEV( + instance_uuid=instance.uuid, + operation=operation) + return f(self, context, instance, *args, **kw) + return inner + return outer +
def _diff_dict(orig, new): '''Return a dict describing how to change orig to new. The keys @@ -690,6 +707,9 @@ ''' image_meta = _get_image_meta_obj(image)
+ API._validate_flavor_image_mem_encryption(instance_type, image_meta) + + # Only validate values of flavor/image so the return results of # following 'get' functions are not used. hardware.get_number_of_serial_ports(instance_type, image_meta) @@ -701,6 +721,19 @@ if validate_pci: pci_request.get_pci_requests_from_flavor(instance_type)
+ @staticmethod + def _validate_flavor_image_mem_encryption(instance_type, image): + '''Validate that the flavor and image don't make contradictory + requests regarding memory encryption. + :param instance_type: Flavor object + :param image: an ImageMeta object + :raises: nova.exception.FlavorImageConflict + ''' + # This library function will raise the exception for us if + # necessary; if not, we can ignore the result returned. + hardware.get_mem_encryption_constraint(instance_type, image) + + def _get_image_defined_bdms(self, instance_type, image_meta, root_device_name): image_properties = image_meta.get('properties', {}) @@ -3915,6 +3948,7 @@ return self.compute_rpcapi.get_instance_diagnostics(context, instance=instance)
+ @reject_sev_instances(instance_actions.SUSPEND) @check_instance_lock @check_instance_cell @check_instance_state(vm_state=[vm_states.ACTIVE]) @@ -4699,6 +4733,7 @@ diff=diff) return _metadata
+ @reject_sev_instances(instance_actions.SUSPEND) @check_instance_lock @check_instance_cell @check_instance_state(vm_state=[vm_states.ACTIVE, vm_states.PAUSED]) diff -ruN nova-bak/exception.py nova/exception.py --- nova-bak/exception.py 2021-09-10 11:35:25.491284738 +0800 +++ nova/exception.py 2021-09-10 11:36:09.799787563 +0800 @@ -536,6 +536,10 @@ msg_fmt = _('Unable to migrate instance (%(instance_id)s) ' 'to current host (%(host)s).')
+class OperationNotSupportedForSEV(NovaException): + msg_fmt = _('Operation '%(operation)s' not supported for SEV-enabled ' + 'instance (%(instance_uuid)s).') + code = 409
class InvalidHypervisorType(Invalid): msg_fmt = _('The supplied hypervisor type of is invalid.') diff -ruN nova-bak/objects/image_meta.py nova/objects/image_meta.py --- nova-bak/objects/image_meta.py 2021-09-10 15:16:30.530628464 +0800 +++ nova/objects/image_meta.py 2021-09-10 15:19:26.999151245 +0800 @@ -177,6 +177,9 @@ super(ImageMetaProps, self).obj_make_compatible(primitive, target_version) target_version = versionutils.convert_version_to_tuple(target_version) + + if target_version < (1, 24): + primitive.pop('hw_mem_encryption', None) if target_version < (1, 21): primitive.pop('hw_time_hpet', None) if target_version < (1, 20): @@ -298,6 +301,11 @@ # is not practical to enumerate them all. So we use a free # form string 'hw_machine_type': fields.StringField(), + + # boolean indicating that the guest needs to be booted with + # encrypted memory + 'hw_mem_encryption': fields.FlexibleBooleanField(), +
# One of the magic strings 'small', 'any', 'large' # or an explicit page size in KB (eg 4, 2048, ...) diff -ruN nova-bak/scheduler/utils.py nova/scheduler/utils.py --- nova-bak/scheduler/utils.py 2021-09-10 15:19:58.172561042 +0800 +++ nova/scheduler/utils.py 2021-09-10 15:35:05.630393147 +0800 @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ from nova.objects import instance as obj_instance from nova import rpc from nova.scheduler.filters import utils as filters_utils - +import nova.virt.hardware as hw
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@@ -61,6 +61,27 @@ # Default to the configured limit but _limit can be # set to None to indicate 'no limit'. self._limit = CONF.scheduler.max_placement_results + image = (request_spec.image if 'image' in request_spec + else objects.ImageMeta(properties=objects.ImageMetaProps())) + self._translate_memory_encryption(request_spec.flavor, image) + + def _translate_memory_encryption(self, flavor, image): + '''When the hw:mem_encryption extra spec or the hw_mem_encryption + image property are requested, translate into a request for + resources:MEM_ENCRYPTION_CONTEXT=1 which requires a slot on a + host which can support encryption of the guest memory. + ''' + # NOTE(aspiers): In theory this could raise FlavorImageConflict, + # but we already check it in the API layer, so that should never + # happen. + if not hw.get_mem_encryption_constraint(flavor, image): + # No memory encryption required, so no further action required. + return + + self._add_resource(None, orc.MEM_ENCRYPTION_CONTEXT, 1) + LOG.debug('Added %s=1 to requested resources', + orc.MEM_ENCRYPTION_CONTEXT) +
def __str__(self): return ', '.join(sorted( diff -ruN nova-bak/virt/hardware.py nova/virt/hardware.py --- nova-bak/virt/hardware.py 2022-02-23 10:45:42.320988102 +0800 +++ nova/virt/hardware.py 2021-09-10 14:05:25.145572630 +0800 @@ -1140,6 +1140,67 @@
return flavor_policy, image_policy
+def get_mem_encryption_constraint(flavor, image_meta, machine_type=None): + '''Return a boolean indicating whether encryption of guest memory was + requested, either via the hw:mem_encryption extra spec or the + hw_mem_encryption image property (or both). + Also watch out for contradictory requests between the flavor and + image regarding memory encryption, and raise an exception where + encountered. These conflicts can arise in two different ways: + 1) the flavor requests memory encryption but the image + explicitly requests *not* to have memory encryption, or + vice-versa + 2) the flavor and/or image request memory encryption, but the + image is missing hw_firmware_type=uefi + 3) the flavor and/or image request memory encryption, but the + machine type is set to a value which does not contain 'q35' + This can be called from the libvirt driver on the compute node, in + which case the driver should pass the result of + nova.virt.libvirt.utils.get_machine_type() as the machine_type + parameter, or from the API layer, in which case get_machine_type() + cannot be called since it relies on being run from the compute + node in order to retrieve CONF.libvirt.hw_machine_type. + :param instance_type: Flavor object + :param image: an ImageMeta object + :param machine_type: a string representing the machine type (optional) + :raises: nova.exception.FlavorImageConflict + :raises: nova.exception.InvalidMachineType + :returns: boolean indicating whether encryption of guest memory + was requested + ''' + + flavor_mem_enc_str, image_mem_enc = _get_flavor_image_meta( + 'mem_encryption', flavor, image_meta) + + flavor_mem_enc = None + if flavor_mem_enc_str is not None: + flavor_mem_enc = strutils.bool_from_string(flavor_mem_enc_str) + + # Image property is a FlexibleBooleanField, so coercion to a + # boolean is handled automatically + + if not flavor_mem_enc and not image_mem_enc: + return False + + _check_for_mem_encryption_requirement_conflicts( + flavor_mem_enc_str, flavor_mem_enc, image_mem_enc, flavor, image_meta) + + # If we get this far, either the extra spec or image property explicitly + # specified a requirement regarding memory encryption, and if both did, + # they are asking for the same thing. + requesters = [] + if flavor_mem_enc: + requesters.append('hw:mem_encryption extra spec in %s flavor' % + flavor.name) + if image_mem_enc: + requesters.append('hw_mem_encryption property of image %s' % + image_meta.name) + + _check_mem_encryption_uses_uefi_image(requesters, image_meta) + _check_mem_encryption_machine_type(image_meta, machine_type) + + LOG.debug('Memory encryption requested by %s', ' and '.join(requesters)) + return True
def _get_numa_pagesize_constraint(flavor, image_meta): '''Return the requested memory page size |
diff -ruN nova-bak/compute/manager.py nova/compute/manager.py --- nova-bak/compute/manager.py 2021-07-07 14:40:15.570807168 +0800 +++ nova/compute/manager.py 2021-10-18 19:02:37.931655551 +0800 @@ -7013,7 +7013,8 @@ migrate_data)
# Detaching volumes. - connector = self.driver.get_volume_connector(instance) + connector = None + #connector = self.driver.get_volume_connector(instance) for bdm in source_bdms: if bdm.is_volume: # Detaching volumes is a call to an external API that can fail. @@ -7033,6 +7034,8 @@ # remove the volume connection without detaching from # hypervisor because the instance is not running # anymore on the current host + if connector is None: + connector = self.driver.get_volume_connector(instance) self.volume_api.terminate_connection(ctxt, bdm.volume_id, connector) @@ -7056,8 +7059,10 @@
# Releasing vlan. # (not necessary in current implementation?) - - network_info = self.network_api.get_instance_nw_info(ctxt, instance) + + #changed by Fiona + #network_info = self.network_api.get_instance_nw_info(ctxt, instance) + network_info = instance.get_network_info()
self._notify_about_instance_usage(ctxt, instance, 'live_migration._post.start', |
diff -ruN neutron-bak/agent/l3/router_info.py neutron-iproute/agent/l3/router_info.py --- neutron-bak/agent/l3/router_info.py 2020-12-14 18:00:23.683687327 +0800 +++ neutron-iproute/agent/l3/router_info.py 2022-02-23 15:18:15.650669589 +0800 @@ -748,8 +748,10 @@ for ip_version in (lib_constants.IP_VERSION_4, lib_constants.IP_VERSION_6): gateway = device.route.get_gateway(ip_version=ip_version) - if gateway and gateway.get('gateway'): - current_gateways.add(gateway.get('gateway')) +# if gateway and gateway.get('gateway'): +# current_gateways.add(gateway.get('gateway')) + if gateway and gateway.get('via'): + current_gateways.add(gateway.get('via')) for ip in current_gateways - set(gateway_ips): device.route.delete_gateway(ip) for ip in gateway_ips: diff -ruN neutron-bak/agent/linux/ip_lib.py neutron-iproute/agent/linux/ip_lib.py --- neutron-bak/agent/linux/ip_lib.py 2020-12-14 18:03:47.951878754 +0800 +++ neutron-iproute/agent/linux/ip_lib.py 2022-02-23 15:19:03.981457532 +0800 @@ -48,6 +48,8 @@ 'main': 254, 'local': 255}
+IP_RULE_TABLES_NAMES = {v: k for k, v in IP_RULE_TABLES.items()} + # Rule indexes: pyroute2.netlink.rtnl # Rule names: https://www.systutorials.com/docs/linux/man/8-ip-rule/ # NOTE(ralonsoh): 'masquerade' type is printed as 'nat' in 'ip rule' command @@ -592,14 +594,18 @@ def _dev_args(self): return ['dev', self.name] if self.name else []
- def add_gateway(self, gateway, metric=None, table=None): - ip_version = common_utils.get_ip_version(gateway) - args = ['replace', 'default', 'via', gateway] - if metric: - args += ['metric', metric] - args += self._dev_args() - args += self._table_args(table) - self._as_root([ip_version], tuple(args)) +# def add_gateway(self, gateway, metric=None, table=None): +# ip_version = common_utils.get_ip_version(gateway) +# args = ['replace', 'default', 'via', gateway] +# if metric: +# args += ['metric', metric] +# args += self._dev_args() +# args += self._table_args(table) +# self._as_root([ip_version], tuple(args)) + + def add_gateway(self, gateway, metric=None, table=None, scope='global'): + self.add_route(None, via=gateway, table=table, metric=metric, + scope=scope)
def _run_as_root_detect_device_not_found(self, options, args): try: @@ -618,41 +624,16 @@ args += self._table_args(table) self._run_as_root_detect_device_not_found([ip_version], args)
- def _parse_routes(self, ip_version, output, **kwargs): - for line in output.splitlines(): - parts = line.split() -
- # Format of line is: ' - route = {k: v for k, v in zip(parts[1::2], parts[2::2])} - route['cidr'] = parts[0] - # Avoids having to explicitly pass around the IP version - if route['cidr'] == 'default': - route['cidr'] = constants.IP_ANY[ip_version] - - # ip route drops things like scope and dev from the output if it - # was specified as a filter. This allows us to add them back. - if self.name: - route['dev'] = self.name - if self._table: - route['table'] = self._table - # Callers add any filters they use as kwargs - route.update(kwargs) - - yield route - - def list_routes(self, ip_version, **kwargs): - args = ['list'] - args += self._dev_args() - args += self._table_args() - for k, v in kwargs.items(): - args += [k, v] - - output = self._run([ip_version], tuple(args)) - return [r for r in self._parse_routes(ip_version, output, **kwargs)] + def list_routes(self, ip_version, scope=None, via=None, table=None, + **kwargs): + table = table or self._table + return list_ip_routes(self._parent.namespace, ip_version, scope=scope, + via=via, table=table, device=self.name, **kwargs)
def list_onlink_routes(self, ip_version): routes = self.list_routes(ip_version, scope='link') - return [r for r in routes if 'src' not in r] +# return [r for r in routes if 'src' not in r] + return [r for r in routes if not r['source_prefix']]
def add_onlink_route(self, cidr): self.add_route(cidr, scope='link') @@ -660,34 +641,12 @@ def delete_onlink_route(self, cidr): self.delete_route(cidr, scope='link')
- def get_gateway(self, scope=None, filters=None, ip_version=None): - options = [ip_version] if ip_version else [] - - args = ['list'] - args += self._dev_args() - args += self._table_args() - if filters: - args += filters - - retval = None - - if scope: - args += ['scope', scope] - - route_list_lines = self._run(options, tuple(args)).split('\n') - default_route_line = next((x.strip() for x in - route_list_lines if - x.strip().startswith('default')), None) - if default_route_line: - retval = dict() - gateway = DEFAULT_GW_PATTERN.search(default_route_line) - if gateway: - retval.update(gateway=gateway.group(1)) - metric = METRIC_PATTERN.search(default_route_line) - if metric: - retval.update(metric=int(metric.group(1))) - - return retval + def get_gateway(self, scope=None, table=None, + ip_version=constants.IP_VERSION_4): + routes = self.list_routes(ip_version, scope=scope, table=table) + for route in routes: + if route['via'] and route['cidr'] in constants.IP_ANY.values(): + return route
def flush(self, ip_version, table=None, **kwargs): args = ['flush'] @@ -696,16 +655,11 @@ args += [k, v] self._as_root([ip_version], tuple(args))
- def add_route(self, cidr, via=None, table=None, **kwargs): - ip_version = common_utils.get_ip_version(cidr) - args = ['replace', cidr] - if via: - args += ['via', via] - args += self._dev_args() - args += self._table_args(table) - for k, v in kwargs.items(): - args += [k, v] - self._run_as_root_detect_device_not_found([ip_version], args) + def add_route(self, cidr, via=None, table=None, metric=None, scope=None, + **kwargs): + table = table or self._table + add_ip_route(self._parent.namespace, cidr, device=self.name, via=via, + table=table, metric=metric, scope=scope, **kwargs)
def delete_route(self, cidr, via=None, table=None, **kwargs): ip_version = common_utils.get_ip_version(cidr) @@ -1455,3 +1409,53 @@ retval[device['vxlan_link_index']]['name'])
return list(retval.values()) + +def add_ip_route(namespace, cidr, device=None, via=None, table=None, + metric=None, scope=None, **kwargs): + '''Add an IP route''' + if table: + table = IP_RULE_TABLES.get(table, table) + ip_version = common_utils.get_ip_version(cidr or via) + privileged.add_ip_route(namespace, cidr, ip_version, + device=device, via=via, table=table, + metric=metric, scope=scope, **kwargs) + + +def list_ip_routes(namespace, ip_version, scope=None, via=None, table=None, + device=None, **kwargs): + '''List IP routes''' + def get_device(index, devices): + for device in (d for d in devices if d['index'] == index): + return get_attr(device, 'IFLA_IFNAME') + + table = table if table else 'main' + table = IP_RULE_TABLES.get(table, table) + routes = privileged.list_ip_routes(namespace, ip_version, device=device, + table=table, **kwargs) + devices = privileged.get_link_devices(namespace) + ret = [] + for route in routes: + cidr = get_attr(route, 'RTA_DST') + if cidr: + cidr = '%s/%s' % (cidr, route['dst_len']) + else: + cidr = constants.IP_ANY[ip_version] + table = int(get_attr(route, 'RTA_TABLE')) + value = { + 'table': IP_RULE_TABLES_NAMES.get(table, table), + 'source_prefix': get_attr(route, 'RTA_PREFSRC'), + 'cidr': cidr, + 'scope': IP_ADDRESS_SCOPE[int(route['scope'])], + 'device': get_device(int(get_attr(route, 'RTA_OIF')), devices), + 'via': get_attr(route, 'RTA_GATEWAY'), + 'priority': get_attr(route, 'RTA_PRIORITY'), + } + + ret.append(value) + + if scope: + ret = [route for route in ret if route['scope'] == scope] + if via: + ret = [route for route in ret if route['via'] == via] + + return ret diff -ruN neutron-bak/cmd/sanity/checks.py neutron-iproute/cmd/sanity/checks.py --- neutron-bak/cmd/sanity/checks.py 2022-02-23 11:33:16.934132708 +0800 +++ neutron-iproute/cmd/sanity/checks.py 2022-02-23 15:20:10.562018672 +0800 @@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ from neutron.common import utils as common_utils from neutron.plugins.ml2.drivers.openvswitch.agent.common \ import constants as ovs_const +from neutron.privileged.agent.linux import dhcp as priv_dhcp
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@@ -230,8 +231,8 @@
def dhcp_release6_supported(): - return runtime_checks.dhcp_release6_supported() - +# return runtime_checks.dhcp_release6_supported() + return priv_dhcp.dhcp_release6_supported()
def bridge_firewalling_enabled(): for proto in ('arp', 'ip', 'ip6'): @@ -363,7 +364,8 @@
default_gw = gw_dev.route.get_gateway(ip_version=6) if default_gw: - default_gw = default_gw['gateway'] +# default_gw = default_gw['gateway'] + default_gw = default_gw['via']
return expected_default_gw == default_gw
diff -ruN neutron-bak/privileged/agent/linux/ip_lib.py neutron-iproute/privileged/agent/linux/ip_lib.py --- neutron-bak/privileged/agent/linux/ip_lib.py 2020-12-14 18:26:08.339307939 +0800 +++ neutron-iproute/privileged/agent/linux/ip_lib.py 2022-02-23 15:20:39.477439105 +0800 @@ -634,3 +634,50 @@ if e.errno == errno.ENOENT: raise NetworkNamespaceNotFound(netns_name=namespace) raise + +@privileged.default.entrypoint +@lockutils.synchronized('privileged-ip-lib') +def add_ip_route(namespace, cidr, ip_version, device=None, via=None, + table=None, metric=None, scope=None, **kwargs): + '''Add an IP route''' + try: + with get_iproute(namespace) as ip: + family = _IP_VERSION_FAMILY_MAP[ip_version] + if not scope: + scope = 'global' if via else 'link' + scope = _get_scope_name(scope) + if cidr: + kwargs['dst'] = cidr + if via: + kwargs['gateway'] = via + if table: + kwargs['table'] = int(table) + if device: + kwargs['oif'] = get_link_id(device, namespace) + if metric: + kwargs['priority'] = int(metric) + ip.route('replace', family=family, scope=scope, proto='static', + **kwargs) + except OSError as e: + if e.errno == errno.ENOENT: + raise NetworkNamespaceNotFound(netns_name=namespace) + raise + + +@privileged.default.entrypoint +@lockutils.synchronized('privileged-ip-lib') +def list_ip_routes(namespace, ip_version, device=None, table=None, **kwargs): + '''List IP routes''' + try: + with get_iproute(namespace) as ip: + family = _IP_VERSION_FAMILY_MAP[ip_version] + if table: + kwargs['table'] = table + if device: + kwargs['oif'] = get_link_id(device, namespace) + return make_serializable(ip.route('show', family=family, **kwargs)) + except OSError as e: + if e.errno == errno.ENOENT: + raise NetworkNamespaceNotFound(netns_name=namespace) + raise + |
diff -ruN neutron-bak/agent/linux/dhcp.py neutron-dhcprelease/agent/linux/dhcp.py --- neutron-bak/agent/linux/dhcp.py 2020-12-15 09:59:29.966957908 +0800 +++ neutron-dhcprelease/agent/linux/dhcp.py 2022-02-23 15:10:14.169101010 +0800 @@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ from neutron_lib import constants from neutron_lib import exceptions from neutron_lib.utils import file as file_utils +from oslo_concurrency import processutils from oslo_log import log as logging from oslo_utils import excutils from oslo_utils import fileutils @@ -41,6 +42,7 @@ from neutron.common import ipv6_utils from neutron.common import utils as common_utils from neutron.ipam import utils as ipam_utils +from neutron.privileged.agent.linux import dhcp as priv_dhcp
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@@ -476,7 +478,8 @@
def _is_dhcp_release6_supported(self): if self._IS_DHCP_RELEASE6_SUPPORTED is None: - self._IS_DHCP_RELEASE6_SUPPORTED = checks.dhcp_release6_supported() + self._IS_DHCP_RELEASE6_SUPPORTED = ( + priv_dhcp.dhcp_release6_supported()) if not self._IS_DHCP_RELEASE6_SUPPORTED: LOG.warning('dhcp_release6 is not present on this system, ' 'will not call it again.') @@ -485,24 +488,28 @@ def _release_lease(self, mac_address, ip, ip_version, client_id=None, server_id=None, iaid=None): '''Release a DHCP lease.''' - if ip_version == constants.IP_VERSION_6: - if not self._is_dhcp_release6_supported(): - return - cmd = ['dhcp_release6', '--iface', self.interface_name, - '--ip', ip, '--client-id', client_id, - '--server-id', server_id, '--iaid', iaid] - else: - cmd = ['dhcp_release', self.interface_name, ip, mac_address] - if client_id: - cmd.append(client_id) - ip_wrapper = ip_lib.IPWrapper(namespace=self.network.namespace) try: - ip_wrapper.netns.execute(cmd, run_as_root=True) - except RuntimeError as e: + if ip_version == constants.IP_VERSION_6: + if not self._is_dhcp_release6_supported(): + return + + params = {'interface_name': self.interface_name, + 'ip_address': ip, 'client_id': client_id, + 'server_id': server_id, 'iaid': iaid, + 'namespace': self.network.namespace} + priv_dhcp.dhcp_release6(**params) + else: + params = {'interface_name': self.interface_name, + 'ip_address': ip, 'mac_address': mac_address, + 'client_id': client_id, + 'namespace': self.network.namespace} +# LOG.info('Rock_DEBUG: DHCP release construct params %(params)s.', {'params': params}) + priv_dhcp.dhcp_release(**params) + except (processutils.ProcessExecutionError, OSError) as e: # when failed to release single lease there's # no need to propagate error further - LOG.warning('DHCP release failed for %(cmd)s. ' - 'Reason: %(e)s', {'cmd': cmd, 'e': e}) + LOG.warning('DHCP release failed for params %(params)s. ' + 'Reason: %(e)s', {'params': params, 'e': e})
def _output_config_files(self): self._output_hosts_file() diff -ruN neutron-bak/cmd/sanity/checks.py neutron-dhcprelease/cmd/sanity/checks.py --- neutron-bak/cmd/sanity/checks.py 2022-02-23 11:33:16.934132708 +0800 +++ neutron-dhcprelease/cmd/sanity/checks.py 2022-02-23 15:11:07.536446402 +0800 @@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ from neutron.common import utils as common_utils from neutron.plugins.ml2.drivers.openvswitch.agent.common \ import constants as ovs_const +from neutron.privileged.agent.linux import dhcp as priv_dhcp
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@@ -230,8 +231,8 @@
def dhcp_release6_supported(): - return runtime_checks.dhcp_release6_supported() - +# return runtime_checks.dhcp_release6_supported() + return priv_dhcp.dhcp_release6_supported()
def bridge_firewalling_enabled(): for proto in ('arp', 'ip', 'ip6'): @@ -363,7 +364,8 @@
default_gw = gw_dev.route.get_gateway(ip_version=6) if default_gw: - default_gw = default_gw['gateway'] +# default_gw = default_gw['gateway'] + default_gw = default_gw['via']
return expected_default_gw == default_gw
diff -ruN neutron-bak/privileged/__init__.py neutron-dhcprelease/privileged/__init__.py --- neutron-bak/privileged/__init__.py 2020-04-23 14:45:14.000000000 +0800 +++ neutron-dhcprelease/privileged/__init__.py 2022-02-23 15:10:29.209584186 +0800 @@ -27,3 +27,11 @@ caps.CAP_DAC_OVERRIDE, caps.CAP_DAC_READ_SEARCH], ) + +dhcp_release_cmd = priv_context.PrivContext( + __name__, + cfg_section='privsep_dhcp_release', + pypath=__name__ + '.dhcp_release_cmd', + capabilities=[caps.CAP_SYS_ADMIN, + caps.CAP_NET_ADMIN] +) |
diff -ruN neutron-bak/agent/linux/ipset_manager.py neutron/agent/linux/ipset_manager.py --- neutron-bak/agent/linux/ipset_manager.py 2022-02-16 15:11:40.419016919 +0800 +++ neutron/agent/linux/ipset_manager.py 2022-02-16 15:17:02.328133786 +0800 @@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ cmd_ns.extend(['ip', 'netns', 'exec', self.namespace]) cmd_ns.extend(cmd) self.execute(cmd_ns, run_as_root=True, process_input=input, - check_exit_code=fail_on_errors) + check_exit_code=fail_on_errors, privsep_exec=True)
def _get_new_set_ips(self, set_name, expected_ips): new_member_ips = (set(expected_ips) - diff -ruN neutron-bak/agent/linux/iptables_manager.py neutron/agent/linux/iptables_manager.py --- neutron-bak/agent/linux/iptables_manager.py 2022-02-16 15:05:53.853147520 +0800 +++ neutron/agent/linux/iptables_manager.py 2021-07-07 14:59:16.000000000 +0800 @@ -475,12 +475,15 @@ args = ['iptables-save', '-t', table] if self.namespace: args = ['ip', 'netns', 'exec', self.namespace] + args - return self.execute(args, run_as_root=True).split('\n') + #return self.execute(args, run_as_root=True).split('\n') + return self.execute(args, run_as_root=True, + privsep_exec=True).split('\n')
def _get_version(self): # Output example is 'iptables v1.6.2' args = ['iptables', '--version'] - version = str(self.execute(args, run_as_root=True).split()[1][1:]) + #version = str(self.execute(args, run_as_root=True).split()[1][1:]) + version = str(self.execute(args, run_as_root=True, privsep_exec=True).split()[1][1:]) LOG.debug('IPTables version installed: %s', version) return version
@@ -505,8 +508,10 @@ args += ['-w', self.xlock_wait_time, '-W', XLOCK_WAIT_INTERVAL] try: kwargs = {} if lock else {'log_fail_as_error': False} + #self.execute(args, process_input='\n'.join(commands), + # run_as_root=True, **kwargs) self.execute(args, process_input='\n'.join(commands), - run_as_root=True, **kwargs) + run_as_root=True, privsep_exec=True, **kwargs) except RuntimeError as error: return error
@@ -568,7 +573,8 @@ if self.namespace: args = ['ip', 'netns', 'exec', self.namespace] + args try: - save_output = self.execute(args, run_as_root=True) + #save_output = self.execute(args, run_as_root=True) + save_output = self.execute(args, run_as_root=True, privsep_exec=True) except RuntimeError: # We could be racing with a cron job deleting namespaces. # It is useless to try to apply iptables rules over and @@ -769,7 +775,8 @@ args.append('-Z') if self.namespace: args = ['ip', 'netns', 'exec', self.namespace] + args - current_table = self.execute(args, run_as_root=True) + #current_table = self.execute(args, run_as_root=True) + current_table = self.execute(args, run_as_root=True, privsep_exec=True) current_lines = current_table.split('\n')
for line in current_lines[2:]: diff -ruN neutron-bak/agent/linux/utils.py neutron/agent/linux/utils.py --- neutron-bak/agent/linux/utils.py 2022-02-16 15:06:03.133090388 +0800 +++ neutron/agent/linux/utils.py 2021-07-08 09:34:12.000000000 +0800 @@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ from neutron.agent.linux import xenapi_root_helper from neutron.common import utils from neutron.conf.agent import common as config +from neutron.privileged.agent.linux import utils as priv_utils from neutron import wsgi
@@ -85,13 +86,24 @@ if run_as_root: cmd = shlex.split(config.get_root_helper(cfg.CONF)) + cmd LOG.debug('Running command: %s', cmd) - obj = utils.subprocess_popen(cmd, shell=False, - stdin=subprocess.PIPE, - stdout=subprocess.PIPE, - stderr=subprocess.PIPE) + #obj = utils.subprocess_popen(cmd, shell=False, + # stdin=subprocess.PIPE, + # stdout=subprocess.PIPE, + # stderr=subprocess.PIPE) + obj = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=False, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, + stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
return obj, cmd
+def _execute_process(cmd, _process_input, addl_env, run_as_root): + obj, cmd = create_process(cmd, run_as_root=run_as_root, addl_env=addl_env) + _stdout, _stderr = obj.communicate(_process_input) + returncode = obj.returncode + obj.stdin.close() + _stdout = helpers.safe_decode_utf8(_stdout) + _stderr = helpers.safe_decode_utf8(_stderr) + return _stdout, _stderr, returncode +
def execute_rootwrap_daemon(cmd, process_input, addl_env): cmd = list(map(str, addl_env_args(addl_env) + cmd)) @@ -103,31 +115,45 @@ LOG.debug('Running command (rootwrap daemon): %s', cmd) client = RootwrapDaemonHelper.get_client() try: - return client.execute(cmd, process_input) + #return client.execute(cmd, process_input) + returncode, __stdout, _stderr = client.execute(cmd, process_input) except Exception: with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(): LOG.error('Rootwrap error running command: %s', cmd) + _stdout = helpers.safe_decode_utf8(_stdout) + _stderr = helpers.safe_decode_utf8(_stderr) + return _stdout, _stderr, returncode
def execute(cmd, process_input=None, addl_env=None, check_exit_code=True, return_stderr=False, log_fail_as_error=True, - extra_ok_codes=None, run_as_root=False): + extra_ok_codes=None, run_as_root=False, privsep_exec=False): try: if process_input is not None: _process_input = encodeutils.to_utf8(process_input) else: _process_input = None - if run_as_root and cfg.CONF.AGENT.root_helper_daemon: - returncode, _stdout, _stderr = ( - execute_rootwrap_daemon(cmd, process_input, addl_env)) + #if run_as_root and cfg.CONF.AGENT.root_helper_daemon: + # returncode, _stdout, _stderr = ( + # execute_rootwrap_daemon(cmd, process_input, addl_env)) + #else: + # obj, cmd = create_process(cmd, run_as_root=run_as_root, + # addl_env=addl_env) + # _stdout, _stderr = obj.communicate(_process_input) + # returncode = obj.returncode + # obj.stdin.close() + #_stdout = helpers.safe_decode_utf8(_stdout) + #_stderr = helpers.safe_decode_utf8(_stderr) + + if run_as_root and privsep_exec: + _stdout, _stderr, returncode = priv_utils.execute_process( + cmd, _process_input, addl_env) + elif run_as_root and cfg.CONF.AGENT.root_helper_daemon: + _stdout, _stderr, returncode = execute_rootwarp_daemon( + cmd, process_input, addl_env) else: - obj, cmd = create_process(cmd, run_as_root=run_as_root, - addl_env=addl_env) - _stdout, _stderr = obj.communicate(_process_input) - returncode = obj.returncode - obj.stdin.close() - _stdout = helpers.safe_decode_utf8(_stdout) - _stderr = helpers.safe_decode_utf8(_stderr) + _stdout, _stderr, returncode = _execute_process( + cmd, _process_input, addl_env, run_as_root)
extra_ok_codes = extra_ok_codes or [] if returncode and returncode not in extra_ok_codes: diff -ruN neutron-bak/cmd/ipset_cleanup.py neutron/cmd/ipset_cleanup.py --- neutron-bak/cmd/ipset_cleanup.py 2022-02-16 15:18:00.727786180 +0800 +++ neutron/cmd/ipset_cleanup.py 2021-07-07 15:00:03.000000000 +0800 @@ -38,7 +38,8 @@ def remove_iptables_reference(ipset): # Remove any iptables reference to this IPset cmd = ['iptables-save'] if 'IPv4' in ipset else ['ip6tables-save'] - iptables_save = utils.execute(cmd, run_as_root=True) + #iptables_save = utils.execute(cmd, run_as_root=True) + iptables_save = utils.execute(cmd, run_as_root=True, privsep_exec=True)
if ipset in iptables_save: cmd = ['iptables'] if 'IPv4' in ipset else ['ip6tables'] @@ -50,7 +51,8 @@ params = rule.split() params[0] = '-D' try: - utils.execute(cmd + params, run_as_root=True) + #utils.execute(cmd + params, run_as_root=True) + utils.execute(cmd + params, run_as_root=True, privsep_exec=True) except Exception: LOG.exception('Error, unable to remove iptables rule ' 'for IPset: %s', ipset) @@ -65,7 +67,8 @@ LOG.info('Destroying IPset: %s', ipset) cmd = ['ipset', 'destroy', ipset] try: - utils.execute(cmd, run_as_root=True) + #utils.execute(cmd, run_as_root=True) + utils.execute(cmd, run_as_root=True, privsep_exec=True) except Exception: LOG.exception('Error, unable to destroy IPset: %s', ipset)
@@ -75,7 +78,8 @@ LOG.info('Destroying IPsets with prefix: %s', conf.prefix)
cmd = ['ipset', '-L', '-n'] - ipsets = utils.execute(cmd, run_as_root=True) + #ipsets = utils.execute(cmd, run_as_root=True) + ipsets = utils.execute(cmd, run_as_root=True, privsep_exec=True) for ipset in ipsets.split('\n'): if conf.allsets or ipset.startswith(conf.prefix): destroy_ipset(conf, ipset) diff -ruN neutron-bak/privileged/agent/linux/utils.py neutron/privileged/agent/linux/utils.py --- neutron-bak/privileged/agent/linux/utils.py 1970-01-01 08:00:00.000000000 +0800 +++ neutron/privileged/agent/linux/utils.py 2021-07-07 14:58:21.000000000 +0800 @@ -0,0 +1,82 @@ +# Copyright 2020 Red Hat, Inc. +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the 'License'); you may +# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain +# a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an 'AS IS' BASIS, WITHOUT +# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the +# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations +# under the License. + +import os +import re + +from eventlet.green import subprocess +from neutron_lib.utils import helpers +from oslo_concurrency import processutils +from oslo_utils import fileutils + +from neutron import privileged + +
+NETSTAT_PIDS_REGEX = re.compile(r'.* (?P + + +@privileged.default.entrypoint +def find_listen_pids_namespace(namespace): + return _find_listen_pids_namespace(namespace) + + +def _find_listen_pids_namespace(namespace): + '''Retrieve a list of pids of listening processes within the given netns + This method is implemented separately to allow unit testing. + ''' + pids = set() + cmd = ['ip', 'netns', 'exec', namespace, 'netstat', '-nlp'] + output = processutils.execute(*cmd) + for line in output[0].splitlines(): + m = NETSTAT_PIDS_REGEX.match(line) + if m: + pids.add(m.group('pid')) + return list(pids) + + +@privileged.default.entrypoint +def delete_if_exists(path, remove=os.unlink): + fileutils.delete_if_exists(path, remove=remove) + + +@privileged.default.entrypoint +def execute_process(cmd, _process_input, addl_env): + obj, cmd = _create_process(cmd, addl_env=addl_env) + _stdout, _stderr = obj.communicate(_process_input) + returncode = obj.returncode + obj.stdin.close() + _stdout = helpers.safe_decode_utf8(_stdout) + _stderr = helpers.safe_decode_utf8(_stderr) + return _stdout, _stderr, returncode + + +def _addl_env_args(addl_env): + '''Build arguments for adding additional environment vars with env''' + + # NOTE (twilson) If using rootwrap, an EnvFilter should be set up for the + # command instead of a CommandFilter. + if addl_env is None: + return [] + return ['env'] + ['%s=%s' % pair for pair in addl_env.items()] + + +def _create_process(cmd, addl_env=None): + '''Create a process object for the given command. + The return value will be a tuple of the process object and the + list of command arguments used to create it. + ''' + cmd = list(map(str, _addl_env_args(addl_env) + list(cmd))) + obj = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=False, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, + stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) + return obj, cmd |
--- neutron-bak/plugins/ml2/drivers/openvswitch/agent/ovs_neutron_agent.py 2022-08-02 17:02:51.213224245 +0800 +++ neutron/plugins/ml2/drivers/openvswitch/agent/ovs_neutron_agent.py 2022-08-02 17:02:09.181883012 +0800 @@ -161,8 +161,8 @@ self.enable_distributed_routing = agent_conf.enable_distributed_routing self.arp_responder_enabled = agent_conf.arp_responder and self.l2_pop
- host = self.conf.host - self.agent_id = 'ovs-agent-%s' % host + self.host = self.conf.host + self.agent_id = 'ovs-agent-%s' % self.host
self.enable_tunneling = bool(self.tunnel_types)
@@ -245,7 +245,7 @@ self.phys_ofports, self.patch_int_ofport, self.patch_tun_ofport, - host, + self.host, self.enable_tunneling, self.enable_distributed_routing, self.arp_responder_enabled) @@ -289,7 +289,7 @@ # or which are used by specific extensions. self.agent_state = { 'binary': 'neutron-openvswitch-agent', - 'host': host, + 'host': self.host, 'topic': n_const.L2_AGENT_TOPIC, 'configurations': {'bridge_mappings': self.bridge_mappings, c_const.RP_BANDWIDTHS: self.rp_bandwidths, @@ -1671,6 +1671,7 @@ skipped_devices = [] need_binding_devices = [] binding_no_activated_devices = set() + migrating_devices = set() agent_restarted = self.iter_num == 0 devices_details_list = ( self.plugin_rpc.get_devices_details_list_and_failed_devices( @@ -1696,6 +1697,12 @@ skipped_devices.append(device) continue
+ migrating_to = details.get('migrating_to') + if migrating_to and migrating_to != self.host: + LOG.info('Port %(device)s is being migrated to host %(host)s.', + {'device': device, 'host': migrating_to}) + migrating_devices.add(device) + if 'port_id' in details: LOG.info('Port %(device)s updated. Details: %(details)s', {'device': device, 'details': details}) @@ -1729,7 +1736,7 @@ if (port and port.ofport != -1): self.port_dead(port) return (skipped_devices, binding_no_activated_devices, - need_binding_devices, failed_devices) + need_binding_devices, failed_devices, migrating_devices)
def _update_port_network(self, port_id, network_id): self._clean_network_ports(port_id) @@ -1821,10 +1828,12 @@ need_binding_devices = [] skipped_devices = set() binding_no_activated_devices = set() + migrating_devices = set() start = time.time() if devices_added_updated: (skipped_devices, binding_no_activated_devices, - need_binding_devices, failed_devices['added']) = ( + need_binding_devices, failed_devices['added'], + migrating_devices) = ( self.treat_devices_added_or_updated( devices_added_updated, provisioning_needed)) LOG.debug('process_network_ports - iteration:%(iter_num)d - ' @@ -1847,7 +1856,7 @@ # TODO(salv-orlando): Optimize avoiding applying filters # unnecessarily, (eg: when there are no IP address changes) added_ports = (port_info.get('added', set()) - skipped_devices - - binding_no_activated_devices) + binding_no_activated_devices - migrating_devices) self._add_port_tag_info(need_binding_devices) self.sg_agent.setup_port_filters(added_ports, port_info.get('updated', set())) |
--- neutron-bak/conf/common.py 2022-08-02 17:07:18.239265163 +0800 +++ neutron/conf/common.py 2021-09-08 17:08:59.000000000 +0800 @@ -166,6 +166,24 @@ help=_('Type of the nova endpoint to use. This endpoint will' ' be looked up in the keystone catalog and should be' ' one of public, internal or admin.')), + cfg.BoolOpt('live_migration_events', default=True, + help=_('When this option is enabled, during the live ' + 'migration, the OVS agent will only send the ' + ''vif-plugged-event' when the destination host ' + 'interface is bound. This option also disables any ' + 'other agent (like DHCP) to send to Nova this event ' + 'when the port is provisioned.' + 'This option can be enabled if Nova patch ' + 'https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/767368 ' + 'is in place.' + 'This option is temporary and will be removed in Y and ' + 'the behavior will be 'True'.'), + deprecated_for_removal=True, + deprecated_reason=( + 'In Y the Nova patch ' + 'https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/767368 ' + 'will be in the code even when running a Nova server in ' + 'X.')), ] |
--- neutron-bak/agent/rpc.py 2021-08-25 15:29:11.000000000 +0800 +++ neutron/agent/rpc.py 2021-09-15 16:34:09.000000000 +0800 @@ -25,8 +25,10 @@ from neutron_lib import constants from neutron_lib.plugins import utils from neutron_lib import rpc as lib_rpc +from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_log import log as logging import oslo_messaging +from oslo_serialization import jsonutils from oslo_utils import uuidutils
from neutron.agent import resource_cache @@ -323,8 +325,10 @@ binding = utils.get_port_binding_by_status_and_host( port_obj.bindings, constants.ACTIVE, raise_if_not_found=True, port_id=port_obj.id) - if (port_obj.device_owner.startswith( - constants.DEVICE_OWNER_COMPUTE_PREFIX) and + migrating_to = migrating_to_host(port_obj.bindings) + if (not (migrating_to and cfg.CONF.nova.live_migration_events) and + port_obj.device_owner.startswith( + constants.DEVICE_OWNER_COMPUTE_PREFIX) and binding[pb_ext.HOST] != host): LOG.debug('Device %s has no active binding in this host', port_obj) @@ -357,7 +361,8 @@ 'qos_policy_id': port_obj.qos_policy_id, 'network_qos_policy_id': net_qos_policy_id, 'profile': binding.profile, - 'security_groups': list(port_obj.security_group_ids) + 'security_groups': list(port_obj.security_group_ids), + 'migrating_to': migrating_to, } LOG.debug('Returning: %s', entry) return entry @@ -365,3 +370,40 @@ def get_devices_details_list(self, context, devices, agent_id, host=None): return [self.get_device_details(context, device, agent_id, host) for device in devices] + +# TODO(ralonsoh): move this method to neutron_lib.plugins.utils +def migrating_to_host(bindings, host=None): + '''Return the host the port is being migrated. + + If the host is passed, the port binding profile with the 'migrating_to', + that contains the host the port is being migrated, is compared to this + value. If no value is passed, this method will return if the port is + being migrated ('migrating_to' is present in any port binding profile). + + The function returns None or the matching host. + ''' + #LOG.info('LiveDebug: enter migrating_to_host 001') + for binding in (binding for binding in bindings if + binding[pb_ext.STATUS] == constants.ACTIVE): + profile = binding.get('profile') + if not profile: + continue + ''' + profile = (jsonutils.loads(profile) if isinstance(profile, str) else + profile) + migrating_to = profile.get('migrating_to') + ''' + # add by michael + if isinstance(profile, str): + migrating_to = jsonutils.loads(profile).get('migrating_to') + #LOG.info('LiveDebug: migrating_to_host 001 migrating_to: %s', migrating_to) + else: + migrating_to = profile.get('migrating_to') + #LOG.info('LiveDebug: migrating_to_host 002 migrating_to: %s', migrating_to) + + if migrating_to: + if not host: # Just know if the port is being migrated. + return migrating_to + if migrating_to == host: + return migrating_to + return None |
--- neutron-bak/db/provisioning_blocks.py 2021-08-25 15:43:47.000000000 +0800 +++ neutron/db/provisioning_blocks.py 2021-09-03 09:32:41.000000000 +0800 @@ -137,8 +137,7 @@ context, standard_attr_id=standard_attr_id): LOG.debug('Provisioning complete for %(otype)s %(oid)s triggered by ' 'entity %(entity)s.', log_dict) - registry.notify(object_type, PROVISIONING_COMPLETE, - 'neutron.db.provisioning_blocks', + registry.notify(object_type, PROVISIONING_COMPLETE, entity, context=context, object_id=object_id)
--- neutron-bak/notifiers/nova.py 2021-08-25 16:02:33.000000000 +0800 +++ neutron/notifiers/nova.py 2021-09-03 09:32:41.000000000 +0800 @@ -13,6 +13,8 @@ # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License.
+import contextlib + from keystoneauth1 import loading as ks_loading from neutron_lib.callbacks import events from neutron_lib.callbacks import registry @@ -66,6 +68,16 @@ if ext.name == 'server_external_events'] self.batch_notifier = batch_notifier.BatchNotifier( cfg.CONF.send_events_interval, self.send_events) + self._enabled = True + + @contextlib.contextmanager + def context_enabled(self, enabled): + stored_enabled = self._enabled + try: + self._enabled = enabled + yield + finally: + self._enabled = stored_enabled
def _get_nova_client(self): global_id = common_context.generate_request_id() @@ -163,6 +175,10 @@ return self._get_network_changed_event(port)
def _can_notify(self, port): + if not self._enabled: + LOG.debug('Nova notifier disabled') + return False + if not port.id: LOG.warning('Port ID not set! Nova will not be notified of ' 'port status change.') |
--- nova-bak/compute/manager.py 2022-08-02 16:27:45.943428128 +0800 +++ nova/compute/manager.py 2021-09-03 09:35:24.529858458 +0800 @@ -6637,12 +6637,12 @@ LOG.error(msg, msg_args)
@staticmethod - def _get_neutron_events_for_live_migration(instance): + def _get_neutron_events_for_live_migration(instance, migration): # We don't generate events if CONF.vif_plugging_timeout=0 # meaning that the operator disabled using them. - if CONF.vif_plugging_timeout and utils.is_neutron(): - return [('network-vif-plugged', vif['id']) - for vif in instance.get_network_info()] + if CONF.vif_plugging_timeout: + return (instance.get_network_info() + .get_live_migration_plug_time_events()) else: return []
@@ -6695,7 +6695,8 @@ ''' pass
- events = self._get_neutron_events_for_live_migration(instance) + events = self._get_neutron_events_for_live_migration( + instance, migration) try: if ('block_migration' in migrate_data and migrate_data.block_migration): |
--- nova-bak/network/model.py 2022-08-02 16:27:47.490437859 +0800 +++ nova/network/model.py 2021-09-03 09:35:24.532858440 +0800 @@ -469,6 +469,14 @@ return (self.is_hybrid_plug_enabled() and not migration.is_same_host())
+ @property + def has_live_migration_plug_time_event(self): + '''Returns whether this VIF's network-vif-plugged external event will + be sent by Neutron at 'plugtime' - in other words, as soon as neutron + completes configuring the network backend. + ''' + return self.is_hybrid_plug_enabled() + def is_hybrid_plug_enabled(self): return self['details'].get(VIF_DETAILS_OVS_HYBRID_PLUG, False)
@@ -527,20 +535,26 @@ return jsonutils.dumps(self)
def get_bind_time_events(self, migration): - '''Returns whether any of our VIFs have 'bind-time' events. See - has_bind_time_event() docstring for more details. + '''Returns a list of external events for any VIFs that have + 'bind-time' events during cold migration. ''' return [('network-vif-plugged', vif['id']) for vif in self if vif.has_bind_time_event(migration)]
+ def get_live_migration_plug_time_events(self): + '''Returns a list of external events for any VIFs that have + 'plug-time' events during live migration. + ''' + return [('network-vif-plugged', vif['id']) + for vif in self if vif.has_live_migration_plug_time_event] + def get_plug_time_events(self, migration): - '''Complementary to get_bind_time_events(), any event that does not - fall in that category is a plug-time event. + '''Returns a list of external events for any VIFs that have + 'plug-time' events during cold migration. ''' return [('network-vif-plugged', vif['id']) for vif in self if not vif.has_bind_time_event(migration)]
- class NetworkInfoAsyncWrapper(NetworkInfo): '''Wrapper around NetworkInfo that allows retrieving NetworkInfo in an async manner. |
--- linux-3.10.0-1062.18.1.el7.orig/net/ipv4/udp_offload.c 2020-02-12 21:45:22.000000000 +0800 +++ linux-3.10.0-1062.18.1.el7/net/ipv4/udp_offload.c 2022-08-17 15:56:27.540557289 +0800 @@ -261,7 +261,7 @@ struct sk_buff **udp_gro_receive(struct struct sock *sk;
if (NAPI_GRO_CB(skb)->encap_mark || - (skb->ip_summed != CHECKSUM_PARTIAL && + (uh->check && skb->ip_summed != CHECKSUM_PARTIAL && NAPI_GRO_CB(skb)->csum_cnt == 0 && !NAPI_GRO_CB(skb)->csum_valid)) goto out; |